
Mobile Photography 101

With the emergence of social media sites such as Instagram, more and more people showed an interest in amateur photography. And since it’s somewhat blasphemous not to have a smartphone these days, capturing eye-catching panoramas and selfies became everyday activities. Sure enough, everyone can take a photo, but how do you make the most of […]


What is still photography?

Still life is a renowned genre in both art photography and painting. Since cameras came a bit later, it’s quite okay to say this style of capturing objects has its origins in brushes and paintings. Coming into full fruition in the 16th century, even if the style was present since medieval times, it’s still going […]


Reasons Why Still Photography Is Better

In a day and age where Instagram rules the world, a certain photography genre is thriving, a style revolving around capturing inanimate objects — still life photography. It’s a common way of depicting various subjects, but we argue that it found its home in product placement and advertisement. Moreover, still-life photography is entirely about capturing […]


Sex Toy Photography 101

If you were searching for a new way to decorate your room or merely take photos of adult silicone toys, sex toy photography might be a perfect thing for you. More and more people are experimenting with still life art form but with adult elements instead of fruits and such. And the results can be […]


Instagram Boyfriend 101

You know the drill with millennials and Gen Z-ers — everything is about social media. With millions of users worldwide, each social media platform offers a chance to connect with friends, share photos and videos, and even attract some people to your small business. So there’s no doubt that social media has become a massive […]

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