Out of all the components important for a perfect photo shoot, the backdrop is the most important one. If you have a good backdrop, half of your work is done. It could either be opted or could be created on your own. Here are a few of the ideas that could be used in order […]
Do you need an expensive camera to do still photography?
If an experienced and popular photographer is asked this question, the answer is definitely going to be no. Actually, a myth has been created that those who are photographers are highly rich and photography could not be done without lots of investment. However, the truth is that there are a lot of tricks by which […]
Things you need to know if you want to be a still photography expert
Still, photography is actually the officially acquired photography, as a majority of photographers chose it as an option. It is not that they are choosing it because it is easy. The main reason, for which a lot of people are opting for it, is that it is super fun and one gets a lot to […]
Why do other photographers choose to capture objects instead?
Ever see raindrops falling on waxed green leaves? Notice how there’s that one singular drop which seems to cling onto the leaf after the rainstorm is over. Or see beautiful abstract photography of light entering through a small hole in the wall to illuminate a dark room? These are all examples and form part of […]
10 Objects for Still-Photography that Adults Will Love
Still, photography is a category of photography which allows for lots of experimentation. It allows the photographer to style and design the shot as he or she wants to. One can photograph using any object they want. But still, photography with adult themes is still a niche. But the experimentation is certainly there and it […]
Where is the best place to do still photography?
Out of all the challenges that a photographer faces, finding a good location is the toughest. It takes a lot of efforts to realize that the particular location is good enough for a photo shoot. Here, we have written down a few of the location ideas that you could actually consider if you want to […]